Software Engineering
- Coding
- Algorithm
- Bit Manipulation
- Sting and bit manipulation
- Priority Queue
- Monotonic Stack/Queue
- Two Pointers
- Two Pointer and Monotonic Queue and Greedy
- Slow and fast pointer
- Binary Search
- String problems
- Union find
- Segment Tree
- Rolling hash
- Binary Lifting Algorithm
- Simulated annealing
- Bit manipulation
- Backtracking
- Backtrack and bitmask
- Process simulation
- Discuss by cases
- Count on 1D/2D array
- Power, Binary Exponentiation and Matrix Exponentiation
- Minimum/maximum distance to points
- Game theory
- Stone Games
- submatrix problems
- Mixed algorithms
- BFS and Dijkstra
- BFS/Dijkstra/DP
- DFS and Binary Search
- DFS and pre/post order traversal and two pointer
- 2D range sum and DP and multi-source 0 1 bfs
- Topological sort, cycle finding in directed graph and DFS
- Topological sort and DP
- Backtracking and Math
- Union find and binary search
- Prefix sum and edge cases
- Prefix sum and bit manipulation
- Soft deletion and Monotonic Queue
- DP and binary seach and monotonic queue
- DFS and DP
- Two pointers and linked list
- Two pointers and binary search
- Union Find and two pointer
- Union Find, DFS/BFS
- String problems by using C++
- Limited Space problems
- Arrays
- Stack
- Sparse Table or Stack
- Stack and binary tree
- rectangle area
- Geometric Problems
- Interval Problems
- Word search problems
- Solve the problem backwards or reversely
- Preprocess to speed up the computation
- Data Structure
- Games
- Greedy construction
- Edge cases
- Parentheses problems
- Permutations and combinations
- Prefix sum or prefix frequency sum
- Meet in middle
- Math
- Random topics
- Source Code understanding
- Kernel Programming
- Operating system
- STL source code
- Python tips
- C++ STL
- C++ tips
- Haskell
- Rust
- Git tips
- Docker
- Imporant times
- Go language
- Top Coders and cool blogs
- SWE related
- Hardwares
- Tools
- Real life problems
My ‘Serious’ coding got started since I became a student as a Computer Science Major at the CUNY. Thanks for Dr. Siyu Liao’s help during my earlier programming life. Thanks for Professor Liang Huang to guide me to the Python world. I am actively participate in the Leetcode weekly contest and you can find my profile here.
Graph Algorithm
- LeetCode 1462 Course Schedule IV
- Leetcode 797. All Paths From Source to Target
- A standard BFS Leetcode 773 Sliding Puzzle
- C++ DFS Leetcode 490. The Maze
- Jump Game IV
- Word Ladder II: BFS
- Using BFS to solve a hard problem
Dijkstra algorithm
- Correctness of Dijkstra algorithm
- An interesting problem solved by dijkstra algorithm: LC 882. Reachable Nodes In Subdivided Graph
BFS and Dijkstra
- BFS + Dijkstra
Dijkstra and Floyd Warshall
topological sort
Cycle find problems
- Cycle find algorithm: Leetcode 1559. Detect Cycles in 2D Grid
- Find the minimum weight cycle in an undirected graph
SSSP(Single-Source Shortest Paths)
- SSSP on Unweighted Graph
- SSSP on Weighted Graph
- Dijkstra
- Best video to explain dijkstra algorithm
- Build the shortest path spanning tree
- Solve the Second Shortest Path problem
- SSSP on Graph with Negative Weight Cycle
APSP(All-Pairs Shortest Paths)
Minimum Weight Cycle in an Undirected Graph
Some relatively hard graph problems
Dynamic Programming
Classical and its variations
- Longest Increasing subsequence
- Variations of LIS probems
- Mountain Array and LIS
- LIS:1626. Best Team With No Conflicts
- [LIS ACwing] (
- Longest common subsequence
- LCS and LIS: LC 1713 Minimum Operations to Make a Subsequence
- LIS: minimum operations to make the array K-increasing
- Longest Palindromic Subsequence
- Combination sum or Coin Change
- Jump Games
- knapsack problem
- [Knapsack problems ACWing] (
- a knapsack problem:leetcode 1621. Number of Sets of K Non-Overlapping Line Segments
- A DP problem solved by using a Knapsack problem way 1639. Number of Ways to Form a Target String Given a Dictionary
- Rod Cutting
- House Robber II
Find Recurrence in DP
Top Down DP and Bottom Up DP
States of the DP is the Key
DP programs on the grid
State machine DP
Range DP
DP look backwards
Digit DP
Bitmask DP
- bitmask DP
-LC 1900. The Earliest and Latest Rounds Where Players Compete
DP and combinations
- DP related to combination LC 1866. Number of Ways to Rearrange Sticks With K Sticks Visible
Bit Manipulation
- Bit Manipulation
- LeetCode 342 Power of Four
- LeetCode 137 single number ii
- LeetCode 260 single number iii
- XOR: LC 1734. Decode XORed Permutation
- Using bit manipulation to speed up the computation LC 1178 Number of Valid Words for Each Puzzle
Sting and bit manipulation
Priority Queue
Monotonic Stack/Queue
- Monotonic queue
- Sliding window min/max, priority queue & Monotonic Queue
- 2d sliding window min/max problem
- 713. Subarray Product Less Than K
- Monotonic queue: LC933 Number of Recent Calls
- Monotonic Queue 1696 jump game VI
- LC Largest Rectangle in histogram
- Using monotonic stack to solve some problems
- 1944. Number of Visible People in a Queue
Two Pointers
- Two Pointer problems
- Two Pointer
- 3sum
- Advanced two pointer problem: LC 1847 Closest room
- Two pointers and sliding window
- Such a nice two pointer problem
- A nice two pointer problem
- A nice two pointer problem LC 151. Reverse Words in a String
- Two slow and one fast pointer: LC 142 Linked list cycle II
Two Pointer and Monotonic Queue and Greedy
Slow and fast pointer
Binary Search
- binary search
- How to set the middle value in a binary search
- Why binary search is not working in this problem
- A hard binary search problem find median of two sorted array
- 1760. Minimum Limit of Balls in a Bag
- A harder bianry search problem 658. Find K Closest Elements
- Two layer binary search
String problems
Union find
- Union find
- Leetcode 1562. Find Latest Group of Size M
- Use union find to solve a hard problem: LC:2076. Process Restricted Friend Requests
- Union Find and Prime Factorization 952. Largest Component Size by Common Factor
- The hardest union find problem ever
Segment Tree
Rolling hash
Binary Lifting Algorithm
Simulated annealing
Bit manipulation
- Backtracking 1
- Backtracking 2
- Backtracking 3 40. Combination Sum II
- Using backtrack to solve the Word Search problem
- word search, trie and backtrack
Backtrack and bitmask
- Backtrack by using bit mask to record visited node
- Backtrack and bit manipulation
Process simulation
- process simulation
- Solve the problem by simulating the whole process
- Hack a LC hard problem step by step
Discuss by cases
Count on 1D/2D array
Power, Binary Exponentiation and Matrix Exponentiation
- Power, Binary Exponentiation and Matrix Exponentiation -Leetcode 1808. Maximize Number of Nice Divisors
Minimum/maximum distance to points
Game theory
Stone Games
submatrix problems
-LeetCode 1727. Largest Submatrix With Rearrangements
Mixed algorithms
BFS and Dijkstra
DFS and Binary Search
DFS and pre/post order traversal and two pointer
2D range sum and DP and multi-source 0 1 bfs
Topological sort, cycle finding in directed graph and DFS
Topological sort and DP
- Topological sort and DP
- Topological sort and DP 2
Backtracking and Math
- Backtracking and graph Leetcode 1766. Tree of Coprimes
Union find and binary search
Prefix sum and edge cases
Prefix sum and bit manipulation
Soft deletion and Monotonic Queue
DP and binary seach and monotonic queue
DFS and DP
Two pointers and linked list
Two pointers and binary search
- two pointer and binary search
- Two pointer and binary search Leetcode 76 Minimum Window Substring -Binary search and two pointers: LeetCode 76. Minimum Window Substring
Union Find and two pointer
Union Find, DFS/BFS
String problems by using C++
Limited Space problems
- Using stack to solve the Parentheses problems
- Stack: LeetCode 316 remove duplicate letters
- LC: 1717 maximum score from removing substrings
Sparse Table or Stack
- Sparse Table or Stack?
- MUSTSEE LC150. Evaluate Reverse Polish Notation
Stack and binary tree
-stack and binary tree: LC 150 Evaluate Reverse Polish Notation
rectangle area
- 2D range sum, Kadane’s algorithm and maximum subarray sum no more than k
- Rectangle Areas: Coordinate Compression
Geometric Problems
- Geometric problems
- Polygon collision
- The intersection of Convex Polygons Algorithm
- Max Points on a Line
Interval Problems
Word search problems
Solve the problem backwards or reversely
- Solve the problem backwards
- Transform the problem to a more solvable one
- Think the problem reversely -BFS and solve the problem reversely
Preprocess to speed up the computation
-LC 1761. Minimum Degree of a Connected Trio in a Graph
Data Structure
Data Structure Design
- Hash table in python
- A comprehensive one about how to implement a hash table
- Why use a prime number as the hash table size
- LRU and LFU
- Min Stack or Max Stack
- First Unique Number
- 1622. Fancy Sequence
Linked List
Binary Tree
- Basic binary tree problems
- MUSTSEE super binary tree template problems
- Advanced binary tree problems
- binary tree maximum path sum
- Check If a String Is a Valid Sequence from Root to Leaves Path in a Binary Tree
- BFS and binary tree
- LeetCode 430. Flatten a Multilevel Doubly Linked List
- Catalan number and Unique Binary Search Trees
- LeetCode 449 serialize and deserialize BST
- MUSTSEE LeetCode 426. Convert Binary Search Tree to Sorted Doubly Linked List
- LCA in a tree
- MUSTSEE LeetCode 814 Binary Tree Pruning
Bit manipulation and Tree
Trie and Fast Walsh-Hadamard transform algorithm
Fenwick Tree or binary index tree
Red Black Tree
ODT(Old Driver Tree)
Soft deletion
Greedy construction
Edge cases
Parentheses problems
Permutations and combinations
Prefix sum or prefix frequency sum
Meet in middle
Random topics
My Mistakes
Garbage Collection
Source Code understanding
Linux Source Code
Kernel Programming
Operating system
Memory allocation
STL source code
Python tips
- Format python code
- Python testing
- What is the current path when python import module?
- All you need to know about Python Type Hints
- Python floating number sum give different result
- Exploration of the blog “Why Python is Slow: Looking Under the Hood”
C++ tips
- Customized comparison in C++ part 1
- Customized comparison in C++ part 2
- STL map/unordered_map with a Vector for the Key
- Lambdas in C++ tutorial
- C++ auto
- lambdas in c++
- C++ Tips
- C++ Should curly braces be on their own line or not?
- Computations Modulo P in C++
- set_intersection in C++
- for_each in C++
- C++ sort by tuple or by pair
- C++ sort by word length
- C++ function within a function
- Format C++ code to google coding style
- 0x3f3f3f
- C++ websites and books
- Vector emplace_back struct c++
- Difference between vector and stack in C++
- Have a set of structs
- [Why does priority queue (max heap) in C++ use less
instead of greater ?](
Git tips
Imporant times
Go language
- Go ‘:=’ vs ‘=’
- Interesting things in Go language
- Goroutines
- Json and Go
- struct tags in GO
- Go tips
- Channels in GO
- Go and OOP
- Golang Packages
- Golang Glog
- Golang Random number generator
- Golang and Pointer
- Map in Golang
- Array, Slice and String in Golang
- How to install gocv on mac
- Slice of struct or slice of pointer to a struct
- Golang nested struct
- Golang and protocol buffer