LCP 29 Band location
LCP 29 Band location
As the data size is 10^9. O(n) solution will get TLE. We need O(log n) or O(1) solution. Basic steps:
- Find the outlayers and get the total number of elements in the outlayer.
- For the current layer, discuss by cases: top, right, bottom and left
class Solution {
int orchestraLayout(int num, int i, int j) {
long long layer = min(min(i, num - i-1), min(j, num - j-1));
outlayer 1: 4*(n - 1 - 2*0)
outlayer 2: 4*(n - 1 - 2*1)
outlayer 3: 4*(n - 1 - 2*2)
long long outside = layer == 0? 0 :4*((long long)num - 1)*layer - 2*(2+2*(layer-1))*(layer - 1);
long long curr;
long long width = num - 1 - 2*layer;
// four cases
| |
| |
| |
A: (layer, layer)
B: (layer, layer + width)
C: (layer + width, layer + width)
D: (layer + width, layer)
// special case, if width is 0, it means it is the last element.
if (width == 0) return outside % 9 + 1;
// top [A, B)
if (i == layer && j < layer + width) {
curr = outside + j - layer + 1;
// right [B, C)
else if (i < layer + width && j == layer + width) {
curr = outside + width + i - layer + 1;
// bottom [C, D)
else if (i == layer + width && j > layer ) {
curr = outside + 2*width + layer + width - j + 1 ;
// left [D, A)
else if (i > layer && j == layer ) {
curr = outside + 3*width + layer + width - i + 1 ;
return (curr - 1) % 9 + 1;